How can technology offer solutions to support the vision and growth of the organization? If this question arises in the mind of a client, then "Inspace" can answer this question through TURNKEY PROJECTS (BUSINESS & IT) which include SAP, Process, IT Infrastructure and software Solutions. Turnkey is an end-2-end complete assignment where the engagement is for a minimum of 3 years to a maximum of 10 years and would cover Design, Implementation, and Maintenance as per the IT Roadmap of the client with a view to offer necessary solutions to support the vision and growth of the client organization.
In today's booming economy, Information Technology has become integral to Organizations for Business growth. With the exponential growth in the number of IT service providers/consultants offering business and IT services/solutions independently, it has become cumbersome for organizations to orchestrate0 the management of both these streams. Inspace Technologies, a pioneer in IT and Business consulting (SAP, Process, IT Infrastructure and Software Consulting), offers a classical blend of Business and IT services/solutions as a Turn Key, which eliminates the need for organizations to deal with multiple IT service providers, besides allowing them to focus on their core business. With vast experience in meticulously delivering projects in IT and Business, Inspace promises to transform your business through technology by being your partner to your growth.